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How Dry Brushing Works To Reduce Cellulite

11 Jun 2022
brushing cellulite

Do you have cellulite? If you do, don't worry – you're not alone! Nine out of ten women have it. Cellulite is caused by fat cells pushing against the tissue beneath the skin, which creates that orange peel look. While there's no real non invasive cure for it, there are a few things you can do to reduce its appearance and dry brushing may be the answer.

Dry brushing is an effective treatment for cellulite because it helps to break up the fatty deposits that can cause dimpling and uneven skin texture. Additionally, dry brushing stimulates blood flow and lymphatic drainage it also removes dead skin cells, which can help in reducing cellulite. Keep reading for our tips!

What is cellulite?

Cellulite is a condition that affects the look of the skin, typically on the thighs, buttocks, and stomach. It is caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, lifestyle choices, and hormones. Often, cellulite is more common in women than men due to differences in fat distribution and connective tissue structure. Additionally, weight gain can increase the presence of cellulite.

The lymphatic system plays a role in the development of cellulite. This system is responsible for transporting lymph fluid, which helps to remove toxins from the body. When the lymphatic system becomes sluggish, toxins can build up, leading to the formation of cellulite.

There are a number of ways to reduce cellulite. These include regular exercise, massage, and dry brushing. Additionally, eating a healthy diet and avoiding smoking can help to improve the appearance of cellulite.

What causes cellulite?

There are a variety of factors that can contribute to cellulite. These include genetics, lifestyle choices, and hormones. often, cellulite is more common in women than men due to differences in fat distribution and connective tissue structure. Additionally, weight gain can increase the appearance of cellulite.

What is dry body brushing?

Dry brushing is a simple and effective way to improve the health and appearance of your skin. The act of dry body brushing helps with removing dull and dead skin cells, increase blood circulation, reduce the appearance of cellulite and improve overall smoother skin appearance. Additionally, dry brushing stimulates the lymphatic system, which helps to detoxify the body and reduce inflammation.

To body brush effectively, use a natural-bristled brush or loofah and gently brush your skin in upward strokes. Start at your feet and work your way up your legs, then move to your arms and torso. Be sure to avoid any areas that are broken, irritated, or have open wounds. After you have brushed your entire body, take a shower or bath to rinse off any loosened skin. For best results, brush every day or two.

How does dry brushing help reduce cellulite?

Dry brushing is an effective treatment for cellulite because it helps to break up the fatty deposits that can cause dimpling and uneven skin texture. Additionally, body brushing stimulates blood flow and lymphatic drainage, which can help to reduce the presence of cellulite.

The key to getting rid of cellulite is consistency. In addition to eating healthy, you need to exercise regularly and massage your skin to help improve circulation. Drink plenty of water, too, since it can help flush out toxins that can contribute to cellulite.

Dry brushing vs. cellulite massagers

When it comes to dry brushing, there are two main schools of thought. Some people swear by dry brushing as a way to help reduce the manifestation of cellulite, while others prefer to use a cellulite massager. So, what's the best way to tackle those pesky dimples?

Dry brushing is a good choice for those who are looking for a more gentle exfoliation. Dry brushing helps to slough off dead skin cells and improve circulation, which can give the it a smoother look. However, dry body brushing isn't always effective at addressing deep-seated cellulite.

Cellulite massagers, on the other hand, are specifically designed to target problem areas. These devices use both mechanical and electrical stimulation to break up fat cells and promote lymphatic drainage. While cellulite massagers can be more expensive than dry brushes, they may be worth the investment if you're looking for serious results.

What dry body brush should I get?

When choosing your brush, it is important to consider your skin type. If you have sensitive skin, look for a brush with soft bristles, such as our boar bristle dry body brush. For dry or rough skin, choose a stiff bristled brush such as our sisal fibre wooden body brush. Be sure to avoid synthetic brushes, as these can damage the skin.

How to dry brush cellulite for best results

To dry brush cellulite, you will need a natural bristle brush. Begin by dry brushing in small, circular motions over the affected areas. Be sure to avoid any broken skin, and to moisturize afterwards. For best results, brush 2-3 times per week.

Here are a few tips:
  • Start with clean, dry skin.
  • Use a brush with natural bristles.
  • Brush in small, round motions.
  • Avoid any broken skin.
  • Moisturize afterwards.
  • Brush 2-3 times per week for best results.

How often to dry brush for optimal results?

For optimal results, brush 2-3 times per week.

cellulite dry body brushing

What to expect after dry brushing cellulite

After brushing, you may notice an improvement in the look of your skin. Additionally, you may experience increased blood flow and lymphatic drainage. These effects are temporary and will dissipate over time. However, if you continue to brushing on a regular basis, you should see a long-term improvement in the appearance of your cellulite.

Are there any risks associated with dry brushing cellulite?

Dry brushing is generally safe when done correctly. However, there are a few risks to be aware of. These include:

  • Excessive rubbing can irritate the skin especially around sensitive areas.
  • Dry brushing can cause bruising if done too aggressively.
  • If done too frequently, dry skin brushing can lead to skin sensitivity.
  • Dry brushing can cause broken skin if done too aggressively.
  • Avoid dry brushing if you have eczema, acne or other skin conditions.

To avoid these risks, be sure to start with clean, dry skin. Start with a soft bristle brush and brush in small, orbicular motions. Avoid any broken skin, and moisturize afterwards. Body brush 2-3 times per week for best results.


Cellulite is a pesky problem that plagues many people, both men and women. While there are several treatments available that promise to reduce cellulite, not all of them deliver on their claims.

However, one treatment option that seems to be gaining traction is dry brushing. Some dermatologists and Ayurvedists alike agree that when performed correctly, regular dry brushing (two to three times per week) can help increase circulation, lymphatic drainage, and visibly reduce cellulite.

So, should you start dry brushing? The answer is yes! There’s no harm in trying it out and seeing if it works for you. Just be sure to use appropriate brush and always moisturize after wards. Give dry brushing for cellulite a shot!

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